Ortery Photosimile 200 Software Download
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The camera and light box connect to a PC via USB. Photosimile 5000 software controls the studio, camera location, turntable movement, camera settings, picture taking and processing workflows. Simply place an item inside, compose using Preview, Zoom and Crop commands in the software. Click Snap and the picture automatically downloads to the PC screen in seconds. Users can annotate, mask, email and batch process images with regards to file name, size, resolution, watermarking and saving.
The camera and light box connect to a PC via USB. Photosimile 5000 software controls the studio, camera location, turntable movement, camera settings, picture taking and processing workflows. Simply place an item inside, compose using Preview, Zoom and Crop commands in the software. Click Snap and the picture automatically downloads to the PC screen in seconds. Users can annotate, mask, email and batch process images with regards to file name, size, and resolution, watermarking and saving. 153554b96e