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Dan Cotter is a seasoned newspaper industry expert who advises publishers on contemporary approaches to community journalism and revenue generation. As part of this, he provides hands-on leadership in planning and executing strategic initiatives to attract, serve, and monetize their audiences. He also conducts professional research and ad sales training programs for newspapers. may be gone, but a bunch of new posts popped up today in Google Reader. I went to the site, and I came across a long list of headlines and ledes lifted from Boston-area media, mostly the Boston Globe.
For those of us who were actually messing around with stuff like this in the 1980s, this news report looks more nostalgic than startling. My favorite part of the story: It took two hours to download all the text in a newspaper, and access cost $5 an hour. (Via Romenesko.)
Swensen and Schmidt may mean well. But their proposal would diminish newspapers, turning them from independent watchdogs into government-subsidized lapdogs, afraid to exercise the constitutionally protected right to a free press lest the tax collector put them out of business.
Two years ago I wrote an article for CommonWealth Magazine on how alternative ownership models might save newspapers. In it, I took a look at the Union Leader and the St. Pete Times. The article is online here.
The TIANI DUO is a super-powerful couples vibrator that's designed to be worn like a paper clip on your vulva. Two vibrating motors mean you feel targeted clitoral stimulation and internal stimulation, and can wear it while having sex with a partner or alone. Plus, the easy-to-use remote means you can dial in to JUST the right vibration setting.
I CARMARTHEN SUICIDE. On Tuesday, Mr. Thos. Walters,\" coroner, inquired into tho dentin of Thos. Hawells (28), son of Mrs. Howeiis, 7, John-street. Carmarthen, found on Monday in a pool in the River Th, wj near the old tinwerks. Henry Jorclon. 74, Priory-street, de- posed to finding his coat and hat and a newspaper on the bank on Saturday. D1, Thomas. Priory-street, and Johnny Hopkins, The Quay, two fishermen, gave evidence of discovering the body neai A hig stone which they concluded had }^ como dctached from a cravat tied round deceased s waist. The Coroner, who sat without a iury, c 4 de whilsi temporal insane.
On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions below. Make sure you read carefully and answer all parts of the questions. What is al-Qaeda How did radical Islamic fundamentalism contribute to the growth of al-Qaeda
A unique place to visit in Mumbai is the Reserve Bank of India Monetary Museum, the first of its kind in the country. The museum has a representative collection of over 10,000 exhibits of Indian coinage, paper currency, financial instruments and monetary curiosities. The exhibits have coins from various dynasties, medieval India, pre-British, British and modern-day India, paper currencies over the years, gold bars and other instruments of financial transactions. From ancient punch-marked coins to the ones dating back to the 6th century BC, the coinage section is a wonder to behold. The evolution of paper money and financial instruments is explained through currency notes, paper bonds and certificates. Visitors can also see important anecdotes, bank seals and other related objects. There are special kiosks in the RBI Monetary Museum, which provide information about the currencies. 59ce067264