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By themselves, money market deposit accounts do not provide the funds that banks of any size need. Thus, banks must set up 3 funding arrangements. These include, first, mortgages that provide funds to the banks; second, borrowings from other banks or the Treasury; and third, borrowings in the money market. The first two funding regimes are essentially back-door sources of funds for banks. In practice the mortgage funds that the banks borrow from the Treasury are evaporated and invested in short-term treasury bills in the money market.
Operationally, both the Fed and the Treasury fund money market accounts. The Treasury funds these accounts by borrowing at interest from the public. When the Treasury is either inclined or required to finance with cash, it contacts savings banks and allocates the funds.
All important in money markets, as in any market, are the participants. These take the form of institutions that engage in the business of making money market deposits and the institutions that accept them for deposit. Other institutions engaged in money market activities include brokers and dealers who buy and sell fed funds futures contracts, stockbrokers, and various public utilities, such as telephone, gas, electric, and railroad companies.
Money market transactions are not handled by any centralized institution. The record of money market transactions are maintained and published by the Treasury. As is true with other markets, the institutions that contribute most to the marketplace of money markets are those who deal with small transactions. This is because high-frequency transactions are expensive for the large commercial banks, and most transactions, large or small, are made through smaller institutions. Also, smaller banks, especially in the range of $25 to $50 billion in assets, have had the greatest difficulty in obtaining money market funds. Therefore money markets for the large institutions are mainly supplied by transfer markets. d2c66b5586