Anti Deep Freeze 0.6.rarl
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Add to Favorites { Status = \"favorited\" } { NewGUID = \"5A0A37DA-85CC-4F83-9D5E-2A98D43B8E6A\" } { Timestamp = 1226582035 } { Content = \"/siege/ui/system_status.xml\" } { GUID = \"8D0ECFD5-8D5B-4E5F-A439-5991E3A6E7EODecimal = 100 } { GUID = \"db9c5bb6-a86c-4dae-9268-97f13c0b704eDecimal = 67 } { GUID = \"E7F61FD4-21D7-4310-8B7C-72D5F74952E6Decimal = 40 } { GUID = \"2E1624C0-1C96-44B1-A20B-3EB6F90A7861Decimal = 10 } { GUID = \"57A7ADA2-B2D4-46CD-B9... 0505BEC4FEE923ECDDecimal = 21 } { GUID = \"aa1cc7e2-06d1-41a5-a8f5-c4f811a251fBDecimal = 7 } { GUID = \"63f8da76-1d75-40c1-a88d-60a677e14275Decimal = 0 } { GUID = \"15FC81F4-9644-4DFA-A1D8-E85C0E62F7E6Decimal = 24 } { GUID = \"3A70F23E-1E25-4CB9-8CB7-1F6FBF556CD2Decimal = 13 } { GUID = \"DDE2CA32-9944-4086-9B1A-F7D5F4...
Anti-fluoride toothpaste (1 subcategory, 1 toxicological effect) is paste containing silica and either calcium carbonate or calcium silicate which, rather than being a true anti-fluoridation agent, work to reduce tooth decay by interfering with the action of fluoride. Saliva begins to flow with fluoride ingestion. This causes free fluoride to be in contact with hydroxyapatite binding sites in teeth. Enamel no longer forms properly and decays more quickly. Therefore, teeth are at risk for decay more often and there is a chance of pain during eating or chewing, dry mouth (×1), ulceration of taste buds (×1), and fluorosis of the mouth and/or teeth (×1). 7211a4ac4a