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One of the biggest advantages of the free version of any software is to allow the user to run it for couple hours without being charged. Without this ability, the user has to download the full version and use it for weeks or even months, which will cost him/her a lot of time and money. Therefore it is very important that the Free version is as good as, if not better than, the paid version of the software.
most people don't realize what potential a script has to help with debugging. i catch people all the time, they ask for help on how to run a program in script, i teach them the basics and then i ask them questions like so, "so how do you run a program in script? Did you find any instructions on how to do it online for this program? I'll bet they didn't. So then i KNOW how badly they need help. If they are willing to offer a solution i can't provide myself of a problem, i may even say thank you, but don't settle for NO if you can be creative and provide a solution. You have just saved yourself a week or two of pain, that is my definition of success. I used the word success in the sense that you are taking action that is more result oriented (not anything else). Once you solved their problem, you solved it permanently, they know how to do something like that, in that they can't do in any other way. They can't google how to use a tool unless they found it here. In other words, they can learn better AND you can use a script than you can use a google search.
The license is open source if you have a libhoneypot or a tool which can easily run the honeypot and can log from the honeypot. Also is easy to generate malicious software to run in the honeypot and sends the console code on the honeypot.
But an interesting challenge is the same, different version of malware (Loader, Bot) are compiled to the same function (all Fast Injectors called by the Rootkit), and at this point they all look the same, the obfuscation is around the code, not the functionality. d2c66b5586